Speculative design research under a climate justice perspective on how to minimize the ecological footprint throughout the entire process of ritualizing death. Alongside Cris Nogué and with students from the “Design Research” master’s program at BAU Centro Universitario de Arte y Diseño in Barcelona, we explore the materiality surrounding death and address the emotional, social, and environmental impact of objects within the funeral industry to propose alternatives.

Research in collaboration with Susana Cámara Leret for the construction of a biodegradable coffin prototype using the hop plant.

A program of activities in which we open up our research and engage in dialogue with local projects or agents. In this mediating process, we highlight certain practices that allow us to experiment with the body, intuition, poetry, experiential aspects, and other forms of non-academic knowledge.

A pedagogical program with children to explore death in a broad sense, connected to life cycles, transformation, and farewells. It includes a proposal to observe the ecological impact of the materials and objects around us, the processes of decay, and non-human scale death.

Creation process in collaboration with La Poderosa to experiment with performative languages and delve into the most personal aspects of this research. We initiate a creative process that allows us to generate an embodied experience about ways of ritualizing and making peace with death.

Situated and cross-cutting research across all actions, focusing on the current state of dying, end-of-life care, the funeral industry, laws and protocols in the Spanish state, and the necropolitics that operates through state power and contemporary domination structures to influence who lives and who dies.
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