

Slow Shooting Star

Slow Shooting Star

Slow Shooting Star is a space to expand time. In this strange era of dehumanized acceleration, violence, and uncertainty, our bodies contract and close in an animal attempt to protect themselves. Slow Shooting Star is an invitation to leave your phone in a box. If you’re in a hurry, take a break; if you don’t have time, come and we’ll expand it for you. Deep listening will connect us with the heartbeat, the vibration, the sounds, and the music. Let’s give some tender care to this battered collective body through embodied poetry. Eyes closed and heart open.

This activity is for people of all ages who are willing to engage in a slow meditation practice. No prior knowledge is necessary. Comfortable clothing is recommended.

Date and Time: June 27, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM / Pre-visit to the exhibition at 6:00 PM.
Location: Centre Cívic Sant Andreu (Barcelona)
Activity is free with prior registration -> here

This activity is part of the exhibition “The Sky, The Stars” curated by Hamaca at Centre Cívic Sant Andreu as part of the Temporals program.

Posted in Talleres EN